CFSP Institutions and Bodies

The High Representative for the Union in Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

The mission of the person appointed to this office is to boost the effectiveness and visibility of the Union’s CFSP and to create cohesion among the various types of initiative in EU foreign policy, as well as to ensure greater unity in activities outside Europe at international level. The High Representative is nominated by the European Council and that nomination is subsequently authorised by the European Parliament. The High Representative acts is a Vice-President of the European Commission and also presides over the Foreign Affairs Council and the Council of Ministers, represents the European Union abroad and runs a European diplomatic service, dubbed the European External Action Service (EEAS).
The High Representative conducts a regular dialogue with around 50 countries and around 10 regional organisations. The EU prefers political dialogue with to help certain third countries as make the transition towards democracy and the rule of law. 

Political and Security Committee (PSC)

The central body for the CFSP and CSDP (former ESDP) is the Political and Security Committee (PSC), which keeps its finger on the pulse of current affairs, helps to define policies by issuing opinions for the attention of the European Council, monitors the implementation of policies agreed by the EU, and is at the same time responsible for exercising political control and determining strategic direction of crisis management operations within the CSDP framework.  

European Correspondents

European Correspondents serve as points of contact between the EU’s capital cities and act as facilitators in the quest for common positions on CFSP issues. They also liaise between their respective administration and the PSC, the European Commission’s DG RELEX and the working groups covering the same issues at EU level.   

Group of RELEX Advisors

The Group of RELEX Advisors prepares the legal, institutional and budgetary aspects of CFSP/CSDP decisions, common positions and joint actions.   

CFSP Working Groups

Set up to cover a geographical area or specific issue, these working groups bring together directors and/or experts from the respect seats of government or delegates from the Member States' permanent representations to the EU. They report on and draft opinions and proposals for the PSC regarding the CFSP issues they are dealing with.  

EU communication network (COREU)

This is an encrypted network that links the Member States’ ministries of foreign affairs, the Commission, and the General Secretariat of the EU Council. It is used to disseminate information on the CFSP, to draw up CFSP decisions and conclusions for the General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC).

Joint Situation Centre (SITCEN)

The Joint Situation Centre (SITCEN) is a permanent monitoring, analysis and response instrument.   


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